May god above tell the stores of tales, winners, losers, learners, doves in the mornings, waves to be make. Earth angels, veterans with skills, faces in the crowds, dances in the streets, houses and hopes to find, gems to roads, rocks to roll, gems in the pebbles on the beaches, wheels to turn, faces in the clouds, angels here to help, hold, guide, teach, lead the way.
So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Tigers, lions, and bears, on top of food chains.JewJew jew go back to hell.Animals masks wore all the time, more under skin to flash changes sometimes
You crazy! '3 THINGS ΤΟ KNOW IN LIFE NEVER BEG ANYONE NEVER TRUST NO ONE EVER EXPECT ANYTHIN FROM ANYBODY'.So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Tigers, lions, and bears, on top of food chains.JewJew jew go back to hell.Animals masks wore all the time, more under skin to flash changes sometimes
YouTube.Snakes Gone,OLD MEMORIES . Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views,lights on in the dark. EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING.So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Tigers, lions, and bears, on top of food chains.
Dances In Darkness: Snakes, Spiders, Toads: Dates.No Regrets,No Excuses:People I Used To Know:Once. Mothers, Moms, Men, Mice, Cartoon Hits, Across The Decades, Waves Made, Head Counts. Strangers In The Dark, Bumps In The Road. Dimes Dropped.So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Tigers, lions, and bears, on top of food chains.JewJew jew go back to hell.Animals masks wore all the time, more under skin to flash changes sometimes
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