HOLLYWOOD HITS, MOVIES WITH GREAT VIEWS, LIFE ON THE WATER. PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEAS.Angels here now. Angels in heaven, angels in hell, trips to take. Lessons to learn, fairy tales in past, bible stories to share.
I will not let my stress level break me. I will be gentle with myself. I will find reasons to be happy every day. #Believe.Oh yes we did ,Social Media Dogwood Butterfly,...Life Is About Relationships, Not Accomplishments..Family Affairs.Unique Personalities.Opportunity,Games on Demand and ran three back-to-back Fiasco sessions.
WORDS: old enough to consent.The problem is; we are not perfect.You? Me? Us?Love friends forever. Do not allow anyone to define you.Horses in barns, sisters with stories, tales online,history noted, over time and space, classes on love and hate.Before time, before people, life in other forms, wisdom in the the sounds of the winds.
Mafia.'NO MATTER How Badly Life Treated You Last Year... Just Walk Tall With Your Head Held High THIS is a Brand New Year Baby! HAPPY NEW YEAR.Cases Del Maya Del Washington. 12 Houses Of May: Heart, Hands, Help. Confessions, Factors Why...We must learn to live together as brothers.
May your journey here be blessed with peace.. love.. happiness and hope.. Much love to you all.. Sending smoke and prayers for everyone near and far..A’Ho Mitakuye oyasin .Ways to grow, winds to wings, for the young at heart, words in waves, salads to be toss,sunny and bright, in touch with the child within.
If you’re struggling tonight, please know you’re not alone. You matter very much. Please don’t ever give up. There’s a reason you were created. You are special and you are loved.May your journey here be blessed with peace.. love.. happiness and hope.. Much love to you all.. Sending smoke and prayers for everyone near and far..A’Ho Mitakuye oyasin .Ways to grow, winds to wings, for the young at heart, words in waves, salads to be toss,sunny and bright, in touch with the child within.
What the fuck,what the where, what the why...-I love beef curtains. the bigger the better. do you qualify? if so email me .No matter how impossible, unattainable, or unimaginable something may seem... If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.
Let your enemies TALK...Let your enemies FOLLOW...Let your enemies PLOT...They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..
I will not let my stress level break me. I will be gentle with myself. I will find reasons to be happy every day. #Believe.Oh yes we did ,Social Media Dogwood Butterfly,...Life Is About Relationships, Not Accomplishments..Family Affairs.Unique Personalities.Opportunity,Games on Demand and ran three back-to-back Fiasco sessions.
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