Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Southern outlaw family.Let the music play.Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'

Sons to shine, jacks and balls in a bag, marbles all gone, boys and the toys, over the years.There is always something to be grateful for.No matter what your circumstances, as dark as they can seem at times, there is always something worth appreciating. Often the most important times to be grateful are during the most difficult times. Calm seas, and clear blue skies, and living in the moment.

 Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. Mean and nasty, girls for role models, “Mean Girls” Classes Of Bitches, classes of dogs, white and blue, faces of cheap tricks, lots of laugh, Rachel Jarrot, not in the movie, slut on a pole in Cali, dates on the beach.Roads to travel, parts and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Southern outlaw family.Let the music play.Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'

March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. Southern outlaw family.Let the music play.Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'

My mother, my number one angel on guard, mercy and goodness, to follow, all the days of my life. Earth angel on the ground again, earth angel all best to live again, have been dead for so long, birds and butterflies, to live again. 

March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. 

Joy and laughter, jokes and laughs, way to live, with the bumps in the road. All the test done over time.My mother, my number one angel on guard, mercy and goodness, to follow, all the days of my life. Earth angel on the ground again, earth angel all best to live again, have been dead for so long, birds and butterflies, to live again. 

March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. 

But your success depends on them.Glowing star Just wait and see . No status, no clout, just a guy with a camera sharing what matters most to her.This is a hero journey, what you want, and what you want to do for it, steps to take, more mountains left to climb.Hope this helps,you get there. They don’t know your brand. Your product. Your language.

WE'LL GET HIM AT WORK IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO CHALLENGE YOUR OWN BELIEFS : a Facebook call to my video chat hit the link and you'll get to me meet me.In The House Of Stone And Light.Cinderella - Nobody's Foo Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young. DAAAANG! Thanks For The Add.

Joy and laughter, jokes and laughs, way to live, with the bumps in the road. All the test done over time.My mother, my number one angel on guard, mercy and goodness, to follow, all the days of my life. Earth angel on the ground again, earth angel all best to live again, have been dead for so long, birds and butterflies, to live again. 

March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. 

But your success depends on them.Glowing star Just wait and see . No status, no clout, just a guy with a camera sharing what matters most to her.This is a hero journey, what you want, and what you want to do for it, steps to take, more mountains left to climb.Hope this helps,you get there. They don’t know your brand. Your product. Your language.

Trying To Please Everyone.Lyons Dick Wonders: Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style.FIX STUPID. Snake Dens: Lights On Steven and Rachel Jarrot : Sinners, Saints, Monkeys To Dogs. PTSD, nuts to grow, frogs in the seas, ships of fools to dodge.The Secret To Failure Is This: a Facebook call to my video chat hit the link and you'll get to me meet me.

Joy and laughter, jokes and laughs, way to live, with the bumps in the road. All the test done over time.My mother, my number one angel on guard, mercy and goodness, to follow, all the days of my life. Earth angel on the ground again, earth angel all best to live again, have been dead for so long, birds and butterflies, to live again. 

March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. Wales Of Jewish, Jerks And Freaks. Had a hard time back in the day. 

But your success depends on them.Glowing star Just wait and see . No status, no clout, just a guy with a camera sharing what matters most to her.This is a hero journey, what you want, and what you want to do for it, steps to take, more mountains left to climb.Hope this helps,you get there. They don’t know your brand. Your product. Your language.

Image result for Oh What A Knight.
Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries..YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID, Trade it , or find a cure, slow, simple, silly either..Just another story of a couple of frogs, a couple of fish from the seas, dates set long ago, tricks and trades, have been done.💕💖. Fairy Tales, life every day.Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young. DAAAANG! Thanks For The Add.

Hands in the air, signs of the times, Fucks to give, out of free fucks, hands to hearts, lovers, haters, suckers, and fuckers, plenty of fish in the seas. The Secret To Failure Is This: Trying To Please Everyone.Lyons Dick Wonders: Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style.FIX STUPID. In The House Of Stone And Light.Cinderella - Nobody's Foo  Israel’s Last Prophet. 
Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group. Slaves, snakes, spiders and worms, family affairs, heads to count. Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today.

LESSONS TO BE LEARN, GOOD AND BAD, COINS TO FLIP, CARDS ON THE TABLE, LIFE AND DEATH, CARDS TO FLIP.FINE LINE. JARROT JEWISH WHITE STARS OF 2020 SELF CENTERED, SHALLOW, VAIN, A SNAKES IN THE GRASS. WATCH OUT FOR FAKE FRIENDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER. 'SEE YOU IN HELL. No way out.American California Girl: Yahoo Answers Wigs and caps, bald heads, Rach Jay?Rachel Jarrot? hiding horns ..Have an amazing day awesome people ! Night all . Quite poetic.FaceTime: Sinners And Saints,Sons To Shine: Diamonds, Or Not."IF YOU ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO BE NORMAL YOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW AMAZING YOU CAN BE." Maya Angelon'

Image: Penny Moore (pennycampbell13) on Pinterest

CLASSESONLOVENHATEGOODTIMESDANCES.BLOGSPOT.COM -Slow, simple, silly and stupid, sons to shine, wits, charms, gone away, notes of craigslist frogs.'I don't care what you think of me! Unless you think I'm awesome in which case, you're right! Carry on...''They lied to your Grandparents, which means your Grandparents lied to your Parents, in turn means your parents lied to YOU... and if you don't wake up to the truth you're going to lie to your Children! Generations of passing down lies is why we're still suffering! Wake-up My people!'

UNDRESSED.Trump campaign officials knew that planning a rally in Tulsa, Okla., on Juneteenth, a celebration of African-American emancipation, was offensive. They just didn’t know how offensive.

Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads.


Girls that became mothers, girls that became mothers and teachers, girls that became doctors, girls that were the examples for the other girls behind them. Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads.

[VETERANS LIKE ME. 🎵😅😍With the hopes of eventually connecting on an emotional and physical level. Retired, vet also, faithful and truth.Angels In Host, Dances In Heavens, Wishes, Hopes, Prayers, Leaders Of Pack. Glory Dazes To Come. ✈️IN TOWN ON BUSINESS 🌹-In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! 

Sails on the boats of the seas of changes, butterflies out for the colors of the sunny dazes on the shores.Girls that became mothers, girls that became mothers and teachers, girls that became doctors, girls that were the examples for the other girls behind them.

Back in time, read a book or two, RACES FOR THE CASH, RACES FOR THE RATS, RACES FOR THE MONKEYS, IN THE YEARS OF THE MONKEYS. RAMS IN THE END OF THE RACE.Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads. 

Few "Things" will impress me. I don't mind sharing photos but I'm not going to begin that way as I am not looking to form a thin skin superficial opinion based on outer appearance.Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads. 
GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now.A lifestyle is what you pay for; a life is what pays you. ~Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads. 

I can help you , I take care you needs, I'll give you a good attention , you have a sad kitty I take care of 😜😝😛 what about Jesus Christ, men and mice, games to play, roles to change, choices made, chances to walk away, counting heads, dicks and dawns, faces in the herds. Man Seeks Lady Activity Friend.

Thomas Leonard .Veterans: Homeless Blues: Nightmares Daily. Driven. Passionate.Define a fag hag, Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out. Visionary.Mothers and grandmothers of the girls to women, practice done over time and forever. Teachers or students the girls match.Take Time, take the high road, not the easy roads. 


 I don't want to participate in a this model of society which has made more importance to money than life. I'm here to live. I'm not here to increase gross national product nor to pay debts your government incurred.'

I see how much I'm worth....good looking.STANDARDS SET. You have an unusual style of poetry …Ran Out Of Fucks To Give: No Free Rides .Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'

 Does anyone know who's baby this is ?Grandfather what is democracy?It's got something to do with young men killing each other. Damn that was profound. W e I r d.Trump will be completely unhinged. He will lash out, he'll steal and destroy as much as he can. He will make it as hard to repair as he can, so he can blame the new administration.

Southern outlaw family.Let the music play.Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'

 Good times, stories left behind, angels on earth, angels in hosts. Singing songs, glory dazes done, lights, love, luck, lessons, daily events.Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today. Work from a place of rest, knowing that God’s favor is on your life.It's almost time. Senior alert,woman for man, heads above the common.

 The world today is about hurry up! Get there faster! Work harder, produce more, hurry up, eat quickly, be on time, don't get stressed- headaches, conflict, drink to calm down, go to training on stress management, time management - STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! Go spend 5 minutes with a flower or a plant. Look at it - think about it - look at its beauty, smell it, close your eyes and smell it again. Touch it; touch with your eyes closed. Listen to it; listen to it with your eyed closed. Slow your mind down. Think about the little things. Now close your eyes and pray.

SOMEWHERE SOMEONE IS SHOWERING WITH A MASK ON. I JUST KNOW IT.'Roads to travel, parts and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Good times to share always a pleasure, living life on the edge, in a RV is the dream life for the freaks out at night. Shady people, freak...

This Election Day, everything is on the line. Our jobs. Our health care. Whether or not we get this pandemic under control. But here’s the good news: today, you can choose change.

Mean and nasty, girls for role models, “Mean Girls” Classes Of Bitches, classes of dogs, white and blue, faces of cheap tricks, lots of laugh, Rachel Jarrot, not in the movie, slut on a pole in Cali, dates on the beach.

Beaches and Dreams: Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars .EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT.

Southern outlaw family.Let the music play.Love My Gems.'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'
Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Houses Of May:Asset Finders. BoooooooooooooooooooM!A goal is a dream with a deadline.

UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. Adele - When We Were Young, frogs and fools also. you views of joy.
12 Hands: Family Affairs, Head Starts, Hearts In Front. On A Wish. On a prayer, sons to shine, woman for man, hands to hold, dreams in actions, wave of words to share, blue oceans to create, what you know, what you want, pots of goals, rites to stand out, leader of the band. Let the music play.

Time to sing and dance, the best days of our lives, for the sixty-nine trips. Beaches Stands:Dream big. Start small. Act now.The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights - J. Paul Getty .  Third party faces. noses and views. Trips to hell, time on the cross, dates with frogs swinging in the winds. Jumps for joy, lessons learned, classes over. Let the music play.Main focus, not tips on frogs in snake dens. Wheels, Live And Learn, ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Glory Dazes To Come. White Lights, Purple Hopes.

Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Back on Track: Lights on?Riding Waves, Dances With Drama, Birds To Fly, Rocks Under Sands.Sheri Jarrot in Upland, California.History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, Snakes Dawgs  2.Who Let The Dogs Out?

I don't want to participate in a this model of society which has made more importance to money than life. I'm here to live. I'm not here to increase gross national product nor to pay debts your government incurred.'
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Glory Dazes To Come, Heads To Count, Freaks In The Night, Steers, Queers, Fags, Hags, Upland Jews. Love, Hate, Horns To Blast, Sorry Suckers, Sheep And Goats. Counting Heads.

  That's why we paint, that's why we dare to love someone -Sunny And Bright. ATG Radio Network. Glory is out now!."Gotta Know Y...